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duncan coral
duncan coral

Duncan coral


 The Duncan coral, also known as Duncanopsammia axifuga,Originating from the Indo-Pacific region, the Duncan coral thrives in a well-established reef tank with stable water conditions. It prefers moderate to high lighting and moderate water flow. 



 When setting up the tank for the Duncan coral, 20 galllon tank with medium flow works best.


Water perameters:

 ensure that the water parameters are within the following ranges: temperature between 75-80°F (24-27°C), salinity of 1.024-1.026, pH level of 8.1-8.4, and alkalinity of 8-12 dKH. Regular water testing and maintenance are crucial to maintain these parameters. 



Feeding the Duncan coral is relatively easy as it primarily relies on photosynthesis. However, it will benefit from supplemental feedings of zooplankton or phytoplankton. Target feeding can be done using a turkey baster or pipette, directly placing the food near the coral's tentacles.




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